Theatre Student Earns Top Design Awards
One University of Kansas student designer who presented at the recent Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF), Region V received two first-place awards from the judging panel and will advance to nationals.
National First Place:

Lindsay Webster, a second-year MFA student from Novi, Mich., earned National 1st Place for Costume Design. She also received a Regional 1st Place for Scenic Design. Both were for “Macbeth,” an academic project in the Department of Theatre & Dance.
Several other members of the Department of Theatre & Dance community earned accolades.
Several faculty members, students, and a staff member earned certificates of merit from the KCACTF Region V judge who attended and responded to the University Theatre productions.
Visiting Assistant Professor Darci Jens Fulcher for movement direction on “Musings of Fire,” Spring 2021.
Cassandra Ludlum, a third-year student from Topeka, for costume design on “The Devils Between Us,” Fall 2021.
MacKenzie Needham, a senior from Andover, for lighting design on “The Devils Between Us,” Fall 2021.
John Dylon Rohr, a third-year MFA student from Arkansas City, for costume design on “Head Over Heels,” Fall 2021, “Changemakers,” Spring 2021, and scenic and lighting design on “Musings of Fire,” Spring 2021.
Ann Sitzman, technical coordinator for the Department, for lighting design on “Head Over Heels,” Fall 2021.
Santiago Sosa, a former Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department, for direction, adaptation and concept on “Musings of Fire,” Spring 2021.
Webster for scenic design on “Head Over Heels,” Fall 2021, and projection design on “Musings of Fire,” Spring 2021.
Jillian Wilson, a senior from Chanute, for stage management on “Changemakers,” Spring 2021.
The directors, playwrights, cast and entire creative team of “Changemakers” earned a commendation for Collaboration. Further, the cast of “Musings of Fire” earned a commendation for Ensemble Performance, and its production staff and crew for Multi-Media Collaboration. Additionally, the Department was invited to show scenes from “Changemakers” at KCACTF Region V Festival. A series of original short works in response to the pandemic and the fight for racial justice, “Changemakers” featured writing by commissioned, professional playwrights working alongside KU students. It is free to view this production on YouTube